To Whom It May Concern:
It is my great pleasure to write this letter of recommendation for Vital Security and Investigations. I have had the pleasure of overseeing the Security Department over the past seven years, and I can state with confidence that Vital Security is a motivated, disciplined, professional and responsible company with a high degree of integrity. As such, I expect that they would be a very positive security service to your institution.
As Senior Director of Operations, I feel that I know Vital Security quite well. They took over working the security services at Saint Francis Hospital when the former security service was not living up to the expectations of the hospital. In this role, they had a considerable amount of responsibilities, and they handled them effortlessly. They showed their skills on how to communicate with patients, visitors and staff and how to deescalate situations when needed.
I sincerely hope that you give Vital Security favorable consideration.

Joseph Leonetti Sr., Senior Director of Operations Saint Francis Healthcare